funstuff flatcoats

D-Litter pedigree

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Funstuff D-Litter, DOB. 03.02.2015

2 black dogs, 5 black bitches      Pedigree           Photo-Gallery             Weight Table

Sire D Litter 

Susedalens Remington Sendero Steelriver Blazin Hot at Blacktoft JW Blacktoft Ever Blazin SDC B Steelriver Tradewinds
Blacktoft Jazz after Dark JW
Steelriver Sunny Spell ShCM Pajanbeck Prince of Thieves JW SDC A SGWC
Sh CH Steelriver Summer Winds JW
Susedalens Carrie Bradshaw Flat Garden’s Leopold IX NU(CH) SU(U) CH Caci’s Hell of a Lot JW W
Flat Garden’s Astrid VII
Caci’s Sex and the City NU CH SU(U) CH Branchalwood Aylancoll
Caci’s Helen Chadwick
Aut Jun Ch Funstuff Bondgirl Engsboda Toulouse Lautrec LP1 FIN UCh, SE UCh, SEVCH Almanza Napoleon Bonaparte Comics Sergio Tacchini
Nord UCh, SEVCH Almanza Lapin Kulta
Nord UCh Almanza Pleasure N’Play Scan U Ch, Sh Ch Almanza Roundabout
NU CH, SU(U) Ch Almanza Playing with Fire
Aut Ch, Aut Jun Ch Neala’s Diamond Tinkerbell Ger DRC Ch, Ger Jun Ch, Ger VDH Ch, Swiss Ch Tarpilens Sogno di Cioccolata NU CH, SU(U) Ch Caci’s Hell Of A Lot JWW
Tarpilens Artemis
Plainfire’s Kiss Me Kate Camwood Quartermaster
Ger Ch, Swiss Ch Neala’s Jellyfish Kiss